He who dies with most the toys is, nonetheless, still dead.


You may find my poems

Final Score

Division one

Gentleness beckons
existential filth for

Her filth
Her gentleness

Gentleness unknown
Filth unknown

Quiet gentleness when
Her quiet filth seeps in

Rocking gentleness seeks
To and fro filth

Sky blue gentle fill
Glaring pink filth on top

Abject gentleness
Abject filth

Lazy coiling gentleness
Stinking Sunday filth witheld
(Check coupon for details)

Passive aggresion
I love you
Late kick off

Unfailing gentleness
Unfailing filth


Anonymous said...

I find your self-centered cheap poetry apalling. I curse you with a bunch of ugly children in a loveless marriage.

Unknown said...

I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across your latest poetry - you have been hiding your light under a bushel and it is high time you let it shine brightly.

May I ask, are you a Gemini?